Cornerstone NOLA is a God-led, spirit-filled, Christ-centered congregation that strives to be a light in the community. Cornerstone is an all inclusive congregation that seeks to welcome and embrace all people.
Our worship services are filled with passionate expressions of our faith and powerful preaching. We come to get equipped to then go out to reach the least, last, and the lost of this world. We are dedicated to our mission of “making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world!”
Why you should worship with us
1) We need you, you matter to us
2) We make promises and try to keep them
3) We will tell you the truth and expect you to do the same
4) We practice gratitude and work as a body
Until further notice Communion will be online. There are two ways to secure the elements of communion:
1) Come by the church and pick up a sanitized portable communion pack;
2) Use bread or dark colored drink you may have at home.